
Vocational Qualification and Upper Level Vocational Specialty in Media

Media education at the Sámi Cultural Center Sajos in Inari encompasses film, animation, events, and more. It focuses on Sámi culture, cultural and linguistic diversity, and northern dimensions.




2 years of full-time study


Jatkuva haku




Contact-based Teaching


Versatile Study

Students learn multi-camera production, filmmaking, magazine creation, and radio, both independently and in groups.

Students gain practical experience through projects like the Indigenous and Sámi Film Festival Skabmagovat and the Ijahis Idja Music Festival webcast. The program equips students with diverse skills applicable in various careers, hobbies, and activities. Additionally, students can earn a professional qualification in the media field or complete a visual exam as part of their degree.

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The Sámi Education Institute prepares students for employment in the workforce. We provide training for young adults and mature students. We provide companies and communities with work-based training and development services.

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Welcome to the Sámi Education Institute! This section will provide students with information to help cope with everyday practices and to succeed in their academic studies.

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Ongoing and completed projects at the Sámi Education Institute.

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The Sámi Education Institute works closely with companies and other organizations in the region. We are actively developing our services to provide workplace solutions.

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Support for Virtual Education

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