Reindeer Husbandry Entrepreneurship
Home pageApplicantsEducational Training ProgramsReindeer Husbandry Entrepreneurship

Vocational Qualification in Nature and Environment

Studying reindeer husbandry offers outdoor work with family and animals, emphasizing skills like range management and business planning. Graduates are prepared for year-round care of reindeer and can pursue careers in natural resources, often starting their own businesses.


Reindeer Husbandry Entrepreneurship



3 years of full-time study


Jatkuva haku


Toivoniemi, Kaamanen


Contact-based Teaching


Students participate in the herding season throughout the year

Teaching and on-the-job learning are organized in such a way that the student participates in the reindeer herding season annually. Organizing this requires the student to be determined and reliable.

The goal is that once you graduate from the Reindeer Husbandry 3-year program, you will have mastered the skills required to care year-round for your reindeer herd. You will also be knowledgeable and skilled to work in other outdoor professions in Natural Resources. Many students continue their studies developing a business plan unique to their own needs to support their family as a self-employed sole proprietor.

Versatile Study

Course work in the field consists of learning a wide range of practical off-road skills.

Students will learn about nature, tools, materials, legislation, licensing, funding, and compensation systems. In addition to these core reindeer related studies, additional language and math classes are mandatory.
Most of the studies take place in the workplace with reindeer herding families. Students expand their knowledge learning from family members and herders from other reindeer herding cooperatives.

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The Sámi Education Institute prepares students for employment in the workforce. We provide training for young adults and mature students. We provide companies and communities with work-based training and development services.

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Welcome to the Sámi Education Institute! This section will provide students with information to help cope with everyday practices and to succeed in their academic studies.

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Ongoing and completed projects at the Sámi Education Institute.

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The Sámi Education Institute works closely with companies and other organizations in the region. We are actively developing our services to provide workplace solutions.

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Support for Virtual Education

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